A new dawn for coral cultivation

Unlocking the power of flat corals. Faster growing on-land of corals for medical research, reef restoration, and decoration. An impactful technology for a brighter future!


Re-imagining nature


Coral Vitality’s breakthrough proprietary technology enables, for the first time ever, to economically grow healthy corals in large quantities for a variety of purposes.



Imagine coral aqua-culture everywhere in the world, not just in places where the oceans allow.


Our technology enables coral to grow fast and strong. What takes years in natural conditions, takes months in Coral Vitality coral cultivation farms.


Our coral-growing technology isn't just groundbreaking—it's game-changing. An automated process that eliminates errors and reduces costs.

Corals are the rainforests of the sea

Our precious coral reefs not only absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, but also contain within them numerous medical compounds to help fight disease and illness.
Our Breakthrough Technology


Coral Vitality has developed space-age techniques to ensure that corals are grown flat (e.g., in 2D). This enables them to grow faster (less effort) and start producing precious compounds at an early stage, while still less than an inch big.

Flat corals are easy to handle, automate, and manipulate. Once they are returned to the sea, they transform into regular 3D corals.


High-tech methodologies

Enabling farming and research automation

Faster, efficient, and sustainable

With automatic growing using robots and automation, Coral Vitality farms will be able to produce abundant coral harvests with fewer resources.

Better compound extraction

Thanks to Coral Vitality's revolutionary process, it will be possible to quickly and easily get pure compounds from growing corals without disrupting their growth! A first step to unlocking the secrets of the sea.

Continuous testing and biogenetics

With continuous testing and genetic replacement, Coral Vitality can create the strongest coral specimen - a super durable coral that can thrive in any kind of environment, even under extreme conditions.

Endless options

Unique uses for corals

Live coral is used in a varitey of industries to better our lives. Reviving dying coral reefs is a mission for the future of our planet. 



Corals contain many substances and compounds that have shown amazing abilities in the field of medicines and food supplements. Coral Vitality uses the industrial flat corals to significantly facilitate the process of producing medical substances from corals.


The restoration of the existing reefs and their recovery by planting new and stronger corals is becoming an important environmental agenda worldwide. Coral Vitality develops new and improved methods for identifying, multiplying, and planting corals on reefs.


Millions of people around the world grow corals in tropical fish aquariums. Today these corals are harvested from the sea as mature corals and are very sensitive to their growing conditions. Coral Vitality's is able to grow corals for hobbyists in a way that eliminates the need to pick corals from the sea.

Our Scientific Team


We have assembled the A-team of scientific experts, combining people from all fields of research, including marine-biology, molecular biology, medicine, and more.


Prof. Danny Baranes

World expert in the use of corals for medicinal purposes. Prof. Member of the Department of Molecular Biology at the Adelson School of Medicine at Ariel University.

Drora Samra Shevy, M.D., Ph.D.

A Senior doctor in the field of internal medicine and neurology. Physicist (quantum physics and lasers) active in the field of neuroscience and medical engineering at the prestigious Caltech. Entrepreneur and founder of medical startups.

Dr. Liat Hammer

Ph.D. in cellular and molecular biology. Has been working in the biotech industry since 2007 in various roles, including managing research, developing and planning patent strategies, and planning and conducting pre-clinical trials.

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